As consumers search for affordable or vintage items to decorate their homes, one of the most popular pre-owned product categories is furniture. While purchasing secondhand items can be a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option for homeowners,...
Powderpost beetles (Lyctidae or Bostrychidae) are timber yard pests that can infest wide poredhardwoods particularly, oak, ash, and elm before they are converted into furniture, plywood,flooring, or construction timbers. They can only infest the sapwood of...
For this instalment of our woodworm series, we look at the House Longhorn Beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus). This beetle is also known as the Camberley beetle, because its main area of distribution in the UK is North-West...
Typically running from April until September each year, what is commonly known as “woodworm” season is in full swing, so homeowners should keep a close eye out for these woodboring pests. The term “woodworm” refers to...
While it may be easy to forget given the recent wet weather, spring actually arrived a number of weeks ago, and with it, so did the start of the woodworm season. Typically running from April until...