bird nets

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Bird netting

Anti bird netting is a form of bird control used to deter birds from landing and nesting on roofs, the underside of canopies, building facades, ledges and decorative features. The bird mesh design is tailored specifically for each individual premises, taking into account the building’s aesthetics and the type of bird species in the area.

To find out if bird nets are the right solution to your pest bird problems call us today or complete the online enquiry form below and we can arrange for a qualified bird proofing surveyor to attend the property and assess which bird deterrent will be most beneficial for you.

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Types of Bird Netting

To ensure we have the correct bird and pigeon netting solution to deal with pest bird populations in all different circumstances, our qualified technicians are equipped with four distinct bird netting solutions:

  • Lightwell bird netting - Used to seal off the tops of open internal light well areas of buildings where birds enjoy a sheltered environment.

  • Screen nets to keep birds away from canopies - Usually used for the underside of canopies where birds will roost and nest and pose a contamination risk to goods, equipment and personnel.

  • Drop nets - Used to encapsulate areas to building facades often including multiple ledges, cornices and ornate decorative features such as column capitals, and is often less intrusive than spikes or sprung wires.

  • Anti pigeon and bird roof nets - These need particular unique considerations. Fixings may be difficult to place as tiles and ridges do not make good anchor points, and single ply roofing membranes present their own challenges. Each instance is different and our expertise enables us to find a solution for most eventualities. 

    Sometimes combinations of proofing systems are required; netting can be used in conjunction with our bird spike and sprung wire systems.

bird netting applied to building and vegetables

Why use bird mesh?

Many town and inner cities areas provide an ideal habitat for birds, and in particular pigeons and gulls. This brings with it associated problems of bird fouling, business premises being used for nesting or feeding points and even potential health and safety violations.

Utilising bird mesh and pigeon netting for buildings, signage and monuments is an ideal, safe and effective way to greatly reduce these problems associated with pest birds while still retaining the aesthetic value of the structure the netting has been applied to.

Bird nets for all species - including seagulls, pigeons and smaller birds

Bird net mesh sizes are specified to suit the bird species involved. 75mm for gulls, 50mm for pigeons, 28mm for starlings and 19mm for sparrows.

The netting is constructed from high density ultra-violet stabilised knotted 12/6 polyethylene that is chemically inert and rot proof in addition to offering a high resistance to a wide range of chemical and environmental conditions.

How is bird netting fitted to the building

A framework will be created on the treatment area by the placement of a series of tensioned stainless steel wires. This will give the finished net its definition. The netting is then secured to the wire framework using stainless steel hog rings to minimise any aesthetic or physical harm to the structure itself.

Contact our anti bird netting specialists

To arrange for one of our bird netting specialists to arrive at the premises and conduct a thorough bird proofing survey to determine the best and most effective form of bird deterrent for your circumstances - whether that is bird nets or any other form of bird deterrent, simply give us a call today or get in touch online using the button below.

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